Tuesday 17 January 2012

The Bucket List

The Bucket List

Having recently watched ‘The Bucket List’ I’ve decided to compile my own list of things I want to do before I ‘kick the bucket’. If you haven’t seen the film yet I would highly recommend it.  For one thing Jack Nicholson is an absolute silver fox, and for another it is actually a very good film. Especially if you like sobbing. Uncontrollably. Which, coincidentally, I do. (N.b I am joking about the silver fox thing, he looks like a human Jabba the Hut.)

1.    1.   See the Northern Lights

I’ve heard they are, like, really cool to look at. I’m not even going to try and pretend I know what they are but I’ve looked them up on a really reliable source (Wikipedia) and it’s all to do with the Earth’s magnetic poles. Basically, something weird happens to do with the Earth’s poles and it creates this kick-ass array of lights across the sky. And I mean seriously kick-ass. I’m slightly enraged by the fact that you can only see these lights in absolutely freezing areas in the world. Let’s be honest, they’re probably the main reason that anyone goes there. There’s no Mac Donalds, no shops, no cinemas, no hairdressers, no nothing. But there are some really kick-ass lights so I guess that’s something worth going for.

2.      2. Marry ‘the One’

DO NOT JUDGE ME. I AM A GIRL. WE ALL DREAM OF THIS DAY.  Recently I’ve gone a bit mental. I used to laugh at people that obsessed over their wedding day...and then I became one of those people. I’d like to point out that I am in no way ready to get married now (boyfriend, breathe a sigh of relief) but it is definitely something I want to do someday. I want to wear white. I want everyone to stare at me. I want the ring, the flowers, the first dance. I’d be absolutely gutted if I kicked the bucket before I got to walk down the aisle. In fact, I’d be livid. And no one likes a livid ghost.

3.       3.Get my degree.

Boring but necessary. Nuff said.

4.      4. Write a book

Well I guess this was the whole point of this blog thingy-whatsit. I’d love to write a book one day, it’s just really unfortunate that I have no bloody clue what I want it to be about. I think I’ve probably got enough words inside my brain to do it, I just don’t know how to string them all together to create a coherent, readable book. One day, I promise.

5.    5.   Relearn the piano

Yes, relearn. I actually played piano for 8 years. Unfortunately, I hated every goddamned minute of it and almost made a conscious effort to forget everything my exasperated teacher taught me each week.  I’ve changed my mind now though and would love to sit down at a grand piano and howl along to a Talyor Swift song. However, now I can literally only play ‘Frere Jacques’ which is mildly disheartening considering any old dumbass can play that, even if they have stumps where their hands should be.

6.    6.   Step on every continent.

This requires being marginally well off so I think this will have to go on the back burner until I stop being a student. Damn my education. Provided I last that long I might wait until my retirement to do this and then hit up each continent one after another. I’d like to point out that just because I’ll be old it doesn’t mean I’ll behave myself.

7.      7. Get in a taxi and yell, ‘FOLLOW THAT CAR!’

8.    8.   Keep up my diary ‘till I am old and mouldy

Yes, I am 21 and I have a diary, blablabla. I love looking back on things I wrote when I was 14. It turns out I moan a lot and ‘fall in love’ even more. I’d love to have a whole archive of diaries to read back on when I’m old. Even if I only write in it once a week to moan that so-and-so is SUCH a bitch, I’d like my kids to read them too one day and remember what a cranky twit their mother was.

9.       9.Wear a really, really expensive pair of shoes.

I don’t even want to buy them. I don’t think I can ever justify walking around with a year’s average wage strapped to my feet, but I’d just like to try them on. Just to see how they feel. I want to feel like Cinderella, even if they are only on loan.

There are more things to be added at a later date but this will do for now. I’ve already been able to tick a few things off my bucket list: I’m learning a different language; I’ve travelled to New York; I’ve fallen in love (n’awrrrr....BARF). Let’s try and be realistic - I could write that I want to travel to the moon and meet Barack Obama and invent a cure for cancer but the likelihood of any one of those things happening is slim-to-none and I hate failing so let’s keep these ambitions attainable, people!


Unknown said...

LMAO! I actually did #7 once, on a night out. Our friends were in the taxi in front so I shouted it... the taxi driver told us the buckle up! :D

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