Tuesday 28 February 2012

People Who Don't Vote

People who don’t vote

Instead of this blog being a site for me to cultivate my writing skills and flourish as the writer I have always wanted to be, it has quickly descended into a place for me to bitch about all the things that annoy me in life. In a way this is a good thing because it means I am far less likely to scream in the face of a poor unsuspecting mother with a pram who is just trying to do her weekly shop.
Today I am going to complain about people that don’t vote. I’m not exactly in my Golden Years yet so I’m not what you’d call a ‘seasoned voter’, but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to completely and utterly judge the people that don’t. Whenever I come across an imbecile who has decided not to vote I ask them why and I tend to get the same two generic responses:

1.       1. I didn’t know who to vote for
2.       2. One vote doesn’t change anything anyway

Just….gah. ‘I don’t know who to vote for’ is quite possibly one of the lamest things I have ever heard anyone say apart from ‘I’ll take the McDonalds salad, please’. Apparently unless it is spoon fed to these people, they have no interest in having a say over the people who are going to be running their God damn country. If you are reading this, you have some way of accessing the internet. One of the craziest things about the internet is that it isn’t actually limited to ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’ and ‘Hotmail’ (and my blog, obv). It may come as a surprise to some of you but there is actually a wealth of knowledge out there that is just waiting to be unlocked. How about closing that facebook browser for just five sodding minutes and taking a trip down Google-lane to see what’s going on with the whole ‘people in power’ thing. Pretty simple solution to the problem. But we all know that isn’t the real reason you aren’t voting. It isn’t because you ‘don’t know who to vote for’, it’s because you can’t be bothered to find out.

Now onto the people that claim ‘one vote doesn’t change anything anyway’. This is a statement so ridiculous that I can only assume that the person saying it must have temporarily lost their sanity and are pretending they live in ‘opposite world’ for the day. That, or they are utter morons. The whole point of voting is that everyone gets a say. Each vote counts. No one vote is worth more than the other. To quote pervy M. Jackson, ‘it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white’ (or female/male, gay/straight, religious/non-religious, Pepsi drinker/Coke drinker). Par exemple, in the US Presidential election of 1876, Hayes beat Tilden by 1 electoral vote. One measly vote that ‘didn’t change anything’….except it did. One vote absolutely does count and if anything it should especially count to you because it is your chance to change something. I don’t know if you people think that you put your ballot card in and there is a tiny troll inside that little post box eating it, but I can assure that is not the case. Whatever you wrote on that card will be accounted for. I promise. You can punch me if we ever find out there is a ballot-eating troll. In the face.

The people that tend not to vote actually seem to be the people that complain the most which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I hear ‘Ohh, we’re well and truly in the shitter because of this Government’, ‘Ohh if I could sort this country out in a second, ‘Ohh all those politicians are just out for themselves’. Just stop. Hold on. You are complaining because things aren’t going the way you want them to/you think you know a better way of running the country then the present party in power/you don’t like the people that are making decisions for you. Well there was a bloody prime time to sort out all those grievances and instead of getting up off your arse and having a say, you sat back and decided to complain.

Don’t like the NHS? Shut the fuck up. Think your University education should be free? Shut the fuck up. Don’t like how much you are taxed? Shut the fuck up. Angry because your town is being overrun by Asdas and Tescos? Shut the fuck up. You had your chance to try and change all the things that you love to complain about ‘down the pub’ on a Friday evening and you didn’t. So shut. The. Fuck. Up. (and please vote in the next election!)


DAVE said...

1 vote does not matter and you have simply been coerced into believing it does. My 1 vote cannot decide even my own constituency unless by some miracle two parties have exactly the same vote total, and even then, it would be rather self-absorbed to believe that I am in any position to cast the 'winning' vote. Am I to vote in my interest, as most do, or am I to vote in the interests of the majority, which is the whole point of everyone voting in the first place, making me redundant in the process?

I am certainly not saying no one should vote; it is a necessity that a large portion of the population *do* vote, which is why the mantra of 'every vote counts' has been perpetuated, but to lambaste one for realising that their vote is inconsequential is mindless.

And before you say something horribly clichéd and misguided like 'well if you don't need to vote why should anyone?', you're confusing the situation. I have control over only 1 vote, and my decision not to use it influences no other. By failing to vote, not one other vote that would have otherwise been cast fails to be cast.

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